DISCLAIMER: Lotus Petal Foundation corresponds from email addresses with the domain “@lotuspetalfoundation.org” or from mobile number 9818089635. We do not solicit donations from individuals via phone and WhatsApp and if you receive any calls or email where our name is used, we advise all not to act upon the same. We are not responsible for any donation advanced to the individuals claiming themselves to be associated with Lotus Petal Charitable Foundation. The images and videos used are intended for educational or informational purposes only & are subject to copyright by Lotus Petal Foundation. If you have any doubt, please write back to us on connect@lotuspetalfoundation.org.

You may support us in running the Lotus Petal Foundation by making a donation towards the general operating expenses. The amount will be used to cover necessary everyday expenses towards books, digital devices, data packs, stationery, uniforms, winter wear, nutrition, medicines, teacher salaries, lease payments for classrooms and to support the admin cost to ease the daily operations.

*All donations are tax-exempt under 501 (3c) in the United States of America.

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